Classroom Policies

Classroom behaviour - We believe that prevention is the best policy and we encourage our students to be good citizens.  The students and teachers lay out classroom expectations on the very first day of school with respect as the core value so students are aware of what is acceptable behaviour and what isn't, and what consequences may occur when expectations are not met.  All we ask is that students try their very best at what they do, and we will do the same!

Agendas - Students are to fill out the agenda message every day.  They are responsible for taking their agendas home and having them signed by a parent.  Please sign the agenda each day after you've read it.  Students are also responsible for making sure the agenda is at school every day.

Attendance - Student attendance is a critical part of learning.  If they are not in school they are missing out on their learning, and it can be difficult to get caught up.  Sickness of course, is a good reason to stay home but please try to avoid other absences and lates.  If your child needs to be away from school, please contact the office.  

Homework - Stay tuned!

Home reading - Home reading should be done for 15-20 minutes every day.  If you would like to have a tracking system to keep your child accountable for home reading, there is an online program called Reading Rewards.  There are lots of fun things for kids to earn and do on the website along with logging their reading time.  RAZ Kids is a great site that students can access from home to read at their level.  The expectation at school is that students do not move on to a new book until they have earned three green check marks for their current book. 

Water bottles - Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school to keep hydrated and to avoid leaving the classroom and interrupting learning.  Water bottles are left on the back counter so we don't have spills or drips on the desks. We ask that the bottles that come in to class for learning time contain water only.  No juice or pop, etc.

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