Meet the Teachers

Mrs. Samayoa has been teaching for 14 years.  She has taught middle school, grade 1, grade 3, and grade 5.  Grade 4 is the grade she has taught the longest and she loves it!  She has two kids and two dogs and loves to be outside with all of them.  Mrs. Samayoa is an avid reader and loves to read and talk about books.  She is also a big fan of dance, especially ballet, and after many years away from it has resumed taking classes. 

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Mrs. Nelson has been teaching for 17 years.  She has taught primarily grade 4 and elementary.  She loves her job - it's not a job when it's fun!  She has two kids.  Ask your children about her cats.  She lives on an acreage and loves the farm life.  In the winter she likes to spend her time in the hockey rink watching her boys or selling ice. 

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Ms. Rahim is excited to teach grade 4 for the 2017 and 2018 year. She likes to read, swim, and walk. She has a 16 year boy who enjoys triathalons. He plays guitar and clarinet. Her favourite place to be is out in nature.

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